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Linking problem with g++

  I'm having a problem in the link stake of my make process.  I get the error

ld: Output file requires shared library 'libc.so.4'
gcc: Internal compiler error: program ld got fatal signal 6
make: *** [a.out] Error 1

  The funny thing is that I can compile the exact same program with the exact
same Makefile on a machine running 0.93R6, same as mine.  The library does
exist in /lib.  A symbolic link in /usr/lib didn't help fix the problem.

Any ideas?


 ____    __  __   ____      
/\  _`\ /\ \/\ \ /\  _`\    		Keith Brown
\ \,\L\_\ \ \/'/'\ \ \L\ \  		brownsk@cs.purdue.edu or
 \/_\__ \\ \ , <  \ \  _ <' 		brownsk@lib.purdue.edu
   /\ \L\ \ \ \\`\ \ \ \L\ \	
   \ `\____\ \_\ \_\\ \____/  http://www.cs.purdue.edu/homes/brownsk/home.html
    \/_____/\/_/\/_/ \/___/  

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