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Re: Potato "testing"

>>>>> "Ethan" == Ethan Benson <erbenson@alaska.net> writes:

    Ben> I believe Red Hat does something similar to this by default
    Ben> with su; why can't we set up ours to do this? I know this is
    Ben> one of the #1 questions I get from Debian users..

    Ethan> actually redhat wrote a pam module to take care of this,
    Ethan> its called pam_xauth.so

    Ethan> what it does is check ~/.xauth/ for a export file and sees
    Ethan> if the target user is allowed to get keys and if so the
    Ethan> cookie is added to the target user's .Xauthority, when the
    Ethan> session closes the cookie is removed.

OK, so why don't we take theirs? This is something that's really
useful. :)

What package would it go in under Debian?


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