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Re: Rules of discourse for the mailing lists

From: ioannis@flinet.com
> "Members may express their opinions and speak freely to one another
> within the bounds of politeness and respect. Contractive criticism and
> dialogues are acceptable; however, obscenities, or forms of eloquence at
> the expense of the dignity of others must be restrained. We do not imply
> that such have occurred in the past, simply, we like to prevent the
> unpleasant."

You missed a "not" in the last sentence.

I think there's something already there in the policy manual about the
rules of discourse, isn't there?

Rationale is important. I'd suggest you add the reason for rules of
discourse. It's because it's important to keep the group of volunteers
working together, and to keep the users talking with the developers and
helping each other.

Rather than say "forms of eloquence at the expense of the dignity of others
should must be restrained", I'd suggest "Don't ridicule, deride, or taunt
others." .

The reference to the past is unnecessary. Let's be pro-active.

And while we're at it, people on the lists are _busy_. Let's say something
about brevity and clarity of dialogue being desirable if we are not to
be mired in our own communications.


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