debian-lint-maint Feb 2007 by subject

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As incense Bessie Unhappy with commuting to work everyday. We are looking for skilled researchers Bnusty Yhoung Blond HOTLITJTLE Mcodel Pjosing In Bzedroom Brunette Cioed CUTEGIRLYS Shtripping And Skpreading Lfegs Bug#224229: marked as done ([external] Should check if the priority of the package is >= priority of the packages it depends on) Bug#317615: [external] Please check for C++ ABI mixups Bug#328612: through Bug#340934: marked as done ([external] check for unneeded/transitive shlibs dependencies) Bug#349616: #349616 still here - checks/debconf: false alarm about settitle Bug#349616: still here - checks/debconf: false alarm about settitle Bug#398898: marked as done (lintian: zero-byte-file-in-doc-directory bogus complain on files in examples) Bug#403515: Please add gambas2 interpreter to lintian Bug#405454: [new check] init script in level S must only use commands from /sbin:/bin Bug#406362: ignores errors from (invoke|update)-rc.d Bug#406362: marked as done (ignores errors from (invoke|update)-rc.d) Bug#407528: packages containing .pc files should generally depend on pkgconfig Bug#407529: marked as done (debian/control spaces not parsed by dpkg-checkbuilddeps) Bug#409098: Please check that *.deb contains all directories mentioned in debian/dirs Bug#409103: marked as done (lintian: [Add new check] check debian/compat file against debian/control::Build-Depands(debhelper)) Bug#409114: marked as done (lintian: Suggestion to check Build-Depends versions with --display-info) Bug#409136: marked as done (lintian: Add check for unneeded 'debian/control::Depends: ${shlibs:Depends}') Bug#410042: lintian: please warn on effectively-empty maintscripts Bug#412406: outdated-autotools-helper-file: false positive if autotools-dev is first build dependency Bug#412577: doesn't understand 'emergency' urgency Elsa Self-made Business For overland Jill Helping our court system means lots of $ Job hunting without the needed Degree? Tue, 27 Feb 2007 12:31:07 -0800 lintian: r815 - trunk/debian lintian: r816 - trunk/debian lintian: r817 - in trunk: checks debian frontend lintian: r818 - in trunk: checks debian lintian: r819 - in trunk: checks debian lintian: r820 - in trunk: checks debian lintian: r821 - in trunk: checks debian lintian: r822 - in trunk: checks debian testset lintian: r823 - in trunk: checks debian lintian: r824 - trunk/debian lintian: r825 - in trunk: checks debian testset testset/relations/debian lintian: r826 - in trunk: checks debian lintian: r827 - in trunk: checks debian lintian: r828 - in trunk: checks debian lintian: r829 - in trunk: checks debian testset testset/diffs/debian A list of available HOWTOs is produced in the ``Annotated Bibliography'' toward the end of this book. Lula Be Detective, use your research skills Melody Possibilities to Obtain substantial income and Help the Justice System Newsletter 01/26/07 sarge on controls probable cause of the crash was. The full board will likely vote on a ruling at a Processed: Lintian bugs fixed in revision r817 Processed: Lintian bugs fixed in revision r818 Processed: Lintian bugs fixed in revision r819 Processed: Lintian bugs fixed in revision r820 Processed: Lintian bugs fixed in revision r821 Processed: Lintian bugs fixed in revision r822 Processed: Lintian bugs fixed in revision r823 Processed: Lintian bugs fixed in revision r825 Processed: Lintian bugs fixed in revision r826 Processed: Lintian bugs fixed in revision r827 Processed: Lintian bugs fixed in revision r828 Processed: Lintian bugs fixed in revision r829 Processed: Re: Bug#317615: [external] Please check for C++ ABI mixups Processed: Re: Bug#406362: ignores errors from (invoke|update)-rc.d Processed: Re: Bug#409098: Please check that *.deb contains all directories mentioned in debian/dirs Processed: Re: Bug#412577: doesn't understand 'emergency' urgency Processed: retitle 293838 to [external] file overlap check Processed: retitle 409124 to [aesthetics] report trailing blank lines and whitespace Processed: retitle 409133 to [aesthetics] diagnose overprecise debhelper dependencies Processed: retitling 402662 Processed: tagging 406349, tagging 403553 Processed: tagging 409120, retitle 409120 to [aesthetics] list dependencies in a preferred order Processed: use my DD address required DIETT 0llL Someone saw us Stud jacks off in the shower Re: VIAqewGRA Re: VIAzyyGRA The last update was on 14:48 GMT Wed Aug 07. There are 86 messages. Page 1 of 1.

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