Debian 每周快讯 - 2006年07月18日

欢迎阅读本年度第二十九期的 DWN,每周 Debian 社群周报。 Harald Welte announced the availability of a root filesystem based on Debian sarge and a corresponding kernel plus instructions for EZX phones. Raphaël Hertzog has the impression that the Debian project is merely trying to keep packages up-to-date and that the project is not making any significant improvements.

【Debian 服务器遭入侵后恢复服务】 James Troup 报导 受到攻击。这台机器在下线接受调查后已经被重新安装。攻击者利用被破解的开发者帐号和本地核心 弱点来提高本身权限。

Updated Sarge CD Images with newer Kernel. Kenshi Muto announced updated CD images for the i386 architecture for sarge that use a more recent kernel. With Linux 2.6.16-15 from several base utilities such as grub, udev and parted have been updated as well.

Old debian-devel Channel on Freenode. Erich Schubert discovered that the old debian-devel IRC channel on freenode is officially flagged as abandoned. After the alias has been transferred from freenode to OFTC the old channel wasn't used much anymore. The remaining users in the channel are encouraged to switch over to the one on OFTC.

Swap on a logical Volume. David Härdeman wondered whether to change LVM packages so that the swap partition is created as a logical volume rather than a separate partition during the installation. This would allow swap space to be easily enlarged and shrunk using the regular tools when needed.

New Wildcard Behaviour of tar. Bdale Garbee explained that the new version of tar incorporates a new behaviour with respect to wildcards passed to the program. The upstream developers have altered tar in order to make it conform to the UNIX98 specification and compatible with the original version of the utility. The change is documented in detail in a special NEWS.Debian file.

Packages to be removed. Kevin McCarty updated the list of packages that have open release-critical bugs older than one month and only very few users recorded in popcon. 15 out of 52 source packages have been fixed and 8 source packages have received an acknowledgement from the maintainer to be removed.

Support for Intel-based Macs. Junichi Uekawa announced his effort to foster Debian support for Intel-based Mac computers. Frans Pop added that some work has already been done on the installer. Owners of such machines are welcome to jump in and contact the developers on the debian-boot list.

Debian Packages for Squid 3. Luigi Gangitano announced his intent to package the new version of squid, the Internet object cache, for Debian. It has been rewritten from scratch and provides a number of new features. The squid3 packages may be installed in parallel with the older packages.

Packages Diff Files. Tyler MacDonald wondered if index diff files should be used for local archives at all. They have been invented to avoid the need to download several megabytes of Packages files upon upgrade, especially for machines with low or limited bandwidth. Alec Berryman pointed out how to disable this feature. Mike Hommey additionally reported that after a long time without an update and with decent bandwidth it actually takes more time merging all diff files than downloading the full file.


【新的或值得注意的软件包】 下列软件包是最近被加到 unstable Debian 档案库或是有重大更新。

【孤儿软件包】本周又有 12 个软件包变成孤儿啦!他们需要新的维护者照顾。这造成目前总共有 326 个孤儿软件包。非常感谢 那些前维护者对于自由软件社群的贡献。请阅览 WNPP 网页查询完整的列表。如果你有兴趣接手任一个软件包的话,请手加上一个臭虫报告并把标题改成 ITA。devscripts 软件包中的 wnpp-alert 程序可以帮您找出有哪些孤儿软件包装在您系统上。

【被删除的软件包】 过去一周内,有 5 个软件包被移出 Debian 档案库了:

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Debian 每周快讯 (Debian Weekly News) 由 Sebastian Feltel and Martin 'Joey' Schulze 负责编辑。