"Linux Actual" includes Debian GNU/Linux 2.0 'Hamm' CDs

October 16th, 1998

The Spanish magazine Linux Actual is currently the only magazine for Spanish speakers dedicated to Linux. In its September issue it features three articles on Debian GNU/Linux entitled An Introduction to Debian, The Debian package system, and Installation of Debian 2.0. It also includes two CDs with the official Debian GNU/Linux 2.0r1b1 binary and source distributions.

This is a chance for Spanish Linux users to try Debian 2.0 since Spanish CD vendors currently only ship Debian 1.3.1 CDs.

Linux Actual is also shipped overseas to South America countries. Previous issues of the magazine are available from:

Redaccion Prensa Tecnica
Tf: 034+1+3040622
Alfonso Gomez 42, nave 1-1-2
Editor: pactual@prensatecnica.com

No URL is available for the magazine, but here is a picture of one of the articles and the CD ROMs:


Thanks to Javier Fernandez-Sanguino Pena <jfs@dat.etsit.upm.es> for this information.