Aktuality z roku 2003
[02. dec 2003] Debian Investigation Report after Server Compromises
[21. nov 2003] Some Debian Project machines compromised
[21. nov 2003] Debian GNU/Linux 3.0 updated (r2)
[10. nov 2003] Debian wins several Readers' Choice Awards
[10. okt 2003] Debian wins 2003 Linux Journal Readers' Choice Award
[05. okt 2003] Debian Project at several Conferences in Europe
[11. aug 2003] Debian celebrates its 10th Birthday
[28. júl 2003] Successful Debian Conference in Oslo finished
[06. júl 2003] Debian Project at several Conferences in Europe
[31. máj 2003] Debian at Conferences in Austria and Brazil
[05. máj 2003] Debian Project at Conferences in Italy and Austria
[14. mar 2003] Debian Project at CeBIT and OOoCon
[24. feb 2003] Debian Project at several Events in Europe
[15. feb 2003] Debian Project at Desktop Linux Summit
[07. feb 2003] Debian joins Desktop Linux Consortium
[27. jan 2003] Debian at Solutions Linux and FOSDEM
[19. jan 2003] Debian Project at Events in Australia, USA and Germany
[02. jan 2003] Public accessible Debian Machine
Poznámka: najnovšie aktuality Debianu môžete získať prihlásením sa alebo prezeraním archívov našich emailových konferencií debian-announce a debian-news.