Новини за 2004 рік
[26 жов 2004 р.] Debian GNU/Linux 3.0 updated (r3)
[15 жов 2004 р.] Debian project at conferences and expos in Europe
[04 вер 2004 р.] DEPLOY: Debian project unable to deploy Sender ID
[19 чер 2004 р.] Debian at LinuxTag 2004
[27 тра 2004 р.] Debian Project at LinuxWochen and Wizards of OS
[24 тра 2004 р.] Debian Conference 2004
[15 тра 2004 р.] Debian mourns the loss of two project members
[06 тра 2004 р.] Debian adds integrated XML Support
[04 кві 2004 р.] Joint Statement about GNU/Linux Security
[30 бер 2004 р.] Debian Security Advisories are CVE-Compatible
[02 лют 2004 р.] Security Host Downtime
[31 січ 2004 р.] Debian Project at several Conferences in Europe
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