Aktuality z roku 2005
[20.12.2005] Debian GNU/Linux 3.1 updated (r1)
[04.10.2005] Debian Security Hosting Modification
[20.09.2005] Debian Security Host Bandwidth Saturation
[13.08.2005] The Debian Project receives Funding
[11.08.2005] Debian Project adds Security Support for AMD64
[09.08.2005] The Debian Project mourns the loss of Jens Schmalzing
[24.07.2005] Debian Conference ends in Success
[08.07.2005] Debian Security Support in Place
[05.07.2005] Sixth Annual Debian Conference
[17.06.2005] Debian Project at OSS Symposium, LinuxTag and DebConf
[06.06.2005] Debian GNU/Linux 3.1 uvolněn
[02.06.2005] Aktualizován Debian GNU/Linux 3.0 (r6)
[16.04.2005] Aktualizován Debian GNU/Linux 3.0 (r5)
[18.02.2005] Debian project at several conferences and expos
[01.01.2005] Aktualizován Debian GNU/Linux 3.0 (r4)
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