Nachrichten des Debian-Projekts - Index für 2014
Hier sind die letzten Ausgaben der Debian-Projekt-Nachrichten.
29. Dez 2014 Online Source Editing, Debian Code Search, UEFI Support in Jessie, Technical Committee Term Limits, Debian Long Term Support and Freexian's 4th report, C++11 talk, notes, and use in Jessie, Bug Reports for Jessie, DPN asks: Auditors, What do you do?, Other news
01. Dez 2014 DebConf15 welcomes its first eleven sponsors!, Debian running on a graphing calculator, votes on the General Resolution on init system coupling, bits from the Debian Med team, Freexian's 3rd report about Debian Long Term Support, Newcomer tag in BTS, FOSS Outreach program for women, Release Team Sprint Results, Fun and Sanity in Debian, Notes on the Cambridge Mini-DebConf, DebConf14 final report, Debian Description Translation Project, LiMux Munich Bug Squashing Party, DPN asks: Hams, What do you do?
14. Nov 2014 The Debian Community combats Global Warming with a Freeze, Tokyo area Debian study group, first Jessie based Debian Edu released, LTS Reports for October 2014, other reports, Open Source Conference 2014 Tokyo/Fall, Who's using Debian Audit, 2014 Mini-DebConf in Cambridge at ARM
27. Okt 2014 Debian & Stuff podcast, Debian switching back to GNOME as the default desktop, contributing to Debian in other ways, the Ada initiative and the Outreach Program For Women, who is 15?!, Squeeze long term support reports, general resolution: init system coupling, bits from the Debian Multimedia Maintainers, Debian Quiz Game, help wanted!, Debian DebUtsav 14
29. Sep 2014 Bits from the release team and Jessie's freeze, reports from DebConf14, DebConf15 dates and fund raising, discussions about OpenPGP, LTS Reports, Cinnamon environment now available in testing, rebuild of Debian using Clang, Debian turns 21 and celebrates, Google Summer of Code
14. Aug 2014 Debian Day 2014, Help needed with ejabberd testing, 2014-Debian Developers per Country, OpenAmbit is now in unstable, Debian Arm64 port at 85%, First steps towards source-only uploads, Check the schedule for DebConf14
03. Jul 2014 Google Summer of Code updates, The first set of talks for DebConf14 have been accepted!, Debian is moving (back) to GLIBC
09. Jun 2014 A logo for DebConf15, hello, MATE!, the Debian Continuous Integration project
26. Mai 2014 ARM64 help wanted, back as, bits from the Debian GNU/Hurd porters
12. Mai 2014 Debian members vote to accept a code of conduct, registration open for DebConf14, SPARC removed from Jessie, promising future for Debian in embedded systems, bits from the Release Team, bits from the systemd + GNOME sprint
14. Apr 2014 Ergebnisse der DPL-Wahl, Debsources-Statistiken, Berichte von der Mini-DebConf Barcelona, CAcert aus Debian entfernt, Diskussion eines voll funktionsfähigen RTC/VoIP-Client für Jessie
31. Mär 2014 Debian Installer Jessie Alpha 1 veröffentlicht, Der indische Bundesstaat Tamil Nadu führt das Debian-Derivat BOSS GNU/Linux als offizielles Betriebssystem ein, Rebuild des Debian-Archivs mit Clang, BeagleBoard steigt auf Debian um
17. Mär 2014 Das Hochleistungsrechen- und Visualisierungszentrum Madrid (CeSViMa) stellt einen Debian-VPS-Dienst bereit, DebConf: Vergangenheit und Zukunft, Anstehende Abstimmungen innerhalb des Debian-Projektes: DPL-Wahlen und ein Verhaltenskodex, Neuigkeiten vom DPL, Neuigkeiten aus dem Sicherheitsteam
03. Mär 2014 Debians Technisches Komitee entscheidet sich für systemd, Debian für Google Summer of Code
2014 ausgewählt, DebConf14-Organisationsteam braucht Ihre Hilfe zur Aufbringung der dafür benötigten Finanzmittel, Debian Women Mini-DebConf in Barcelona
10. Feb 2014 Projekte- und Mentoren-Aufruf für Debian GSoC 2014, Neuigkeiten aus dem Release-Team, Berichte von den letzten Debian-Sprints
27. Jan 2014 Bits from the DPL, Debian France online shop open, Valve games for Debian Members and Maintainers, Debian real-time communication
06. Jan 2014 SteamOS, a game oriented Debian derivative, mini-DebConf in Phnom Penh, mini-DebConf in Barcelona, Greens/EFA Group in the European Parliament to use Debian for email encryption, an automatic list of Debian contributors, bits from the DPL, bits from the Release Team
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