Debian in Portuguese

This page gives you specific information about our translation efforts, in an attempt to get Debian in Portuguese. Our team is composed by Brazilians only, and, because of that, there is a great dominance of Brazilian Portuguese on the pages. This team, which is formed by both Debian developers and users, is gathered together in a project called Debian Brasil.

To know how to subscribe yourself to the mailing lists for Portuguese-speaking users, as well as instructions to join us on our IRC channel, visit our Lists and IRC sections of the Debian-BR page.

To have access to documentation in Portuguese, such as manuals translated or made ​​by the team members, visit the Documentation section of the Debian Brasil page.

To get the latest news on the Debian world in Portuguese, visit the News section.

To know about Debian user groups in Brazil and activities that they have done, visit the Debian User Groups section.

If you really want to help develop even further Debian, read some possible ways on the section How to help or send a message.

Even though we have "Brasil" in our Project's name, we have several friends from Portugal in our mailing lists and IRC channel, and all Portuguese-speaking users that are willing to join us are welcome to do so.


The Debian Brasil Team <>