주의: 이 번역은 원문보다 오래되었습니다.
번역된 Debconf templates 안의 오류
[ 지역화 ] [ 언어 목록 ] [ 순위 ] [ POT 파일 ] [ 오류 ] [ 번역자를 위한 힌트 ]여러분은 알파벳 순서 패키지 목록을 번역된 Debconf templates 또는 메인테이너에 의해 정렬된 같은 목록을 갖고 찾을 수 있습니다.
공간을 절약하기 위해 리스트 모두 의미있는 메시지 대신 키워드를 포함하는데, 그것이 여기에 정의됩니다. 이들 오류중 몇은 번역자가 수정할 수 있고, 다른 것은 메인테이너가 수정할 수 있습니다.
번역자 책임 오류
- invalid-charset-name-in-po
- po 파일은 헤더의 Content-Type: 필드에 유효한 charset이 있어야 합니다. charset은 번역자의 선택이며 po 파일은 번역자가 직접 수정 (메인테이너가 자신이 하는 일에 대해 절대적으로 확신하지 않는 한) 해야 합니다.
- wrong-charset
- The charset specified in the Content-Type: field of the po header is not the same as the one used in the po file. The charset is the choice of the translators and the po file should be fixed by the translators themself, unless the maintainers are absolutely sure of what they are doing. These files are not at all usable, the maintainers should therefore ask the translators for fixed files.
- invalid-po
- The po file is not valid. The reasons can be numerous. The output of msgfmt should help the translators to fix their files. These files are not at all usable, the maintainers should therefore ask the translators for fixed files.
메인테이너 책임 오류
- unknown-language
- A po file has an unknown language code. The basename of the file should be a valid language code. The headers should help to find which language it refers, otherwise it is pointless to include it in a package as nobody will use them.
- missing-file-in-POTFILES.in
- The debian/po/POTFILES.in refers to unexisting templates files. This error is often found after renaming or removing templates files. This is the responsibility of the maintainers to fix this file, to update the po files and to ask for updated translations. The translators should not work on these packages, as the templates.pot file is usually completely out of date.
- not-up-to-date-templates.pot
- The debian/po/templates.pot has not been synced with the templates files. The maintainers should fix their packages by adding debconf-updatepo to the clean target of the debian/rules. The translators should first launch debconf-updatepo if they work with the source package. The po and pot files on the website should be up to date.
- not-up-to-date-po-file
- The listed files have not been synced with the templates. The maintainers should fix their packages by adding debconf-updatepo to the clean target of the debian/rules. The translators should first launch debconf-updatepo if they work with the source package. The po files on the website should be up to date.