Amaya Rodrigo Sastre

How long have you been using Debian?
Since October 1998
Are you a Debian Developer?
What areas of Debian are you involved in?
Packaging: maintaining my packages QA: testing and running latest experimental Debian releases. Evangelizing: I was in a way responsible for the Spanish government (among others) to choose to use Debian. I keep looking for good prospective DD. I want more women in Debian.
What got you interested in working with Debian?
I must confess I was encouraged by the guys... Santiago Vila and Héctor García. I never thought I'd be up to it until they showed an interest to sponsor me.
Do you have any tips for women interested in getting more involved with Debian?
Be yourself. Take it with a grain of salt. Stay focused on your goals. Debian is a great community. I wouldn't want to give anyone a hard time. I enjoy being a DD a lot. It's a fulfilling experience. Go for it.
Are you involved with any other women in technology group? Which one(s)?
It's something I have always wanted to do. I started a women oriented mailing list for the Spanish speaking some years ago. It was a huge failure ;-( Nowadays I am involved with: Systers; Women and Free Software (Spanish local effort). (Mujeresred-softwarelibre)
A bit more about you...
I was supposed to be an English teacher. Or a technical translator. Free Software gave me a chance to change my destiny, grow up as a person, find new goals and motivations.