Debian 計劃新聞 - 2018年目錄

這裏列出近期的 Debian 項目新聞條目。

2018/12/11 Welcome to the DPN, Debian 9.6 released, Package Salvaging, Reproducible Builds joins the Software Conservancy, Rust available on 14 Architectures, CTTE decision, Upcoming freeze timeline, Bits from the Anti-Harassment Team, Buster PSP coming up, Reports, Calls for Help, More than just code, Quick Links from Debian Social Media
2018/08/31 Welcome to the DPN, Happy 25th Anniversary Debian!, Debian 9.5 and 8.11 released, Alioth Migration to Salsa, Debian Data Protection Team, New features of Debian Package Tracker, Debian Policy released, Reports, Calls for Help, More than just code, Quick Links from Debian Social Media
2018/06/07 Debian 9.4 released, EOL for Debian 8, Policy, Alioth Migration, Reports and Discussions
2018/02/28 Welcome to the DPN, Debian 9.3 and 8.10 released, build service, Debsources now in, Outreachy and GSoC, Misc Developer News, New and noteworthy packages, Events (including DebConf18 in Hsinchu, DebConf19 in Curitiba), Reports, Help needed, More than just code, Quick Links from Debian Social Media

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