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데비안 설치관리자 Buster 알파 4 릴리스

2018년 12월 15일

The Debian Installer team is pleased to announce the fourth alpha release of the installer for Debian 10 Buster.


Cyril Brulebois would like to start by thanking Christian Perrier, who spent many years working on Debian Installer, especially on internationalization (i18n) and localization (l10n) topics. One might remember graphs and blog posts on Planet Debian with statistics; keeping track of those numbers could look like a pure mathematical topic, but having uptodate translations is a key part of having a Debian Installer that is accessible for most users.

Thank you so much, Christian!

이 릴리스 개선

하드웨어 지원 바뀜

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알려진 이슈

See the errata for details and a full list of known issues.


We need your help to find bugs and further improve the installer, so please try it. Installer CDs, other media and everything else you will need are available at our web site.


The Debian Installer team thanks everybody who has contributed to this release.