Debian Installer Buster Alpha 5 release

February 2nd, 2019

The Debian Installer team is pleased to announce the fifth alpha release of the installer for Debian 10 Buster.

Important change in this release

The Debian Installer team is happy to report that the Buster Alpha 5 release of the installer includes some initial support for UEFI Secure Boot (SB) in Debian's installation media.

This support is not yet complete, and we would like to request some help! A detailed article with more background about Secure Boot and with a pointer to instructions on how to test and report findings has been published separately.

Improvements in this release

Hardware support changes

Localization status

Known issues in this release

See the errata for details and a full list of known issues.

Feedback for this release

We need your help to find bugs and further improve the installer, so please try it. Installer CDs, other media and everything else you will need are available at our web site.


The Debian Installer team thanks everybody who has contributed to this release.