Notícias de 2016
[03 Out 2016] Several donations boost reliability of Debian's core infrastructure
[27 Set 2016] The Debian Project mourns the loss of Kristoffer H. Rose
[17 Set 2016] Updated Debian 8: 8.6 released
[09 Jul 2016] DebConf16 termina na Cidade do Cabo e DebConf17 anuncia suas datas
[02 Jul 2016] Debian Edu / Skolelinux Jessie — a complete Linux solution for your school
[04 Jun 2016] Updated Debian 8: 8.5 released
[04 Jun 2016] Updated Debian 7: 7.11 released
[13 Mai 2016] Debian Project wishes to thank Mythic Beasts for loaned hardware
[25 Abr 2016] Security support for Wheezy handed over to the LTS team
[02 Abr 2016] Updated Debian 8: 8.4 released
[02 Abr 2016] Updated Debian 7: 7.10 released
[12 Fev 2016] Debian 6.0 Long Term Support reaching end-of-life
[23 Jan 2016] Updated Debian 8: 8.3 released
[05 Jan 2016] The Debian Project mourns the loss of Ian
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