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Re: What's happening with package signing? what's up with security? Where does seahorse (gnupg frontend) belong? Where download kernel-2.2.15-compact -source + header? where is emacsen-common_1.4.10? Re: Which kernels to keep? Who do ITP sawfish? why duplicates why is dpkg --force always enabled? Why is the Debian home page so boring? Why wasn't the test cycle announced on debian-devel-announce? WNPP requests wrong perspectives and algebra (was: Re: potato late ...) wu-ftp segfault xlib6g (was: Splitting isdnutils & co. into non-X and X parts) xscreensaver and gqview (security flaw?) The last update was on 06:19 GMT Thu May 30. There are 2075 messages. Page 5 of 5.

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