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데비안 프로젝트 뉴스 - 2018년 2월 28일
Welcome to this year's first issue of DPN, the newsletter for the Debian community. Topics covered in this issue include:
- 데비안 프로젝트 뉴스!
- 내부 뉴스/해프닝
- 이벤트: 다가오는 그리고 보고
- 보고서
- 도움 필요
- More than just code
- Quick Links from Debian Social Media
- DPN을 계속 읽으려면?
데비안 프로젝트 뉴스!
이 형식의 DPN을 즐기기 바랍니다.
다른 뉴스 보려면, 공식 데비안 블로그 Bits from Debian를 읽고, https://micronews.debian.org를 따르면 되며 RSS-feeds the @debian profile in several social networks too.
데비안 보안 팀은 매일 현재 권고를 냅니다. (2017 보안 권고 및 2018 보안 권고). 자세히 읽고 보안 메일링 리스트에 가입하세요.
이 프로젝트 뉴스의 끝에 빠른 링크 절을 추가했으며 이것은 다른 미디어 스트림을 통해 만들어진 게시물 선택에 연결됩니다.
내부 뉴스/해프닝
업데이트된 데비안 9 및 데비안 8: 9.3 및 8.10 릴리스
데비안 프로젝트는 2017.12.9에 안정 배포 데비안 9(코드명 Stretch
)의 3번째 업데이트를
포인트 릴리스 9.3으로 발표했습니다.
또 데비안 프로젝트는 2017.12.9에 안정 배포 데비안 8(코드명 Jessie
)의 10번째 업데이트를
포인트 릴리스 8.10으로 발표했습니다.
이 포인트 릴리스는 보안 이슈에 수정 및 심각한 문제에 대한 몇 조정을 추가하고, 보안 권고는 이미 나왔고 가능한 곳에 참조됩니다. 기존 설치를 어떤 버전으로 업그레이드하는 것은 데비안의 많은 HTTP 미러 중 하나에서 패키지 관리 시스템을 가리키면 수행됩니다. 종합적인 미러 목록: https://www.debian.org/mirror/list
FAI.me build service for installation images
Thomas Lange has announced the FAI.me build service for customised installation images. On this web page, you can create customised images with only a few clicks. It supports different Debian distributions, all common desktop environments, several locales, backported kernels, and the option of entering a list of packages. After some time you can download your own ISO image which does a fully automatic installation using FAI.
Debsources는 이제 sources.debian.org 로
The Debsources team is happy to announce that Debsources, which provides direct web access to the Debian operating system source code, has been moved onto the official Debian infrastructure at https://sources.debian.org. Debsources allows users to directly browse available source packages and to peruse and highlight portions of the source code files for every Debian release. It provides links via HTML and an API for programmatic use.
데비안은 Outreachy 및 GSoC에 참여함
Debian welcomes three Outreachy interns: Juliana Oliveira who will work on reproducible builds, Kira Obrezkova who will work on open-source mobile technologies, and Renata D'Avila who will work on a calendar database of social events and conferences for free software developers.
The Outreachy program is available due to the efforts of Debian Developers and Donors, providing a three month internship for groups traditionally underrepresented in technology.
Google, through its Google Summer of Code program, provides students with a stipend to work over the summer months on open source development. Debian is happy to announce that we will be participating as a mentoring organisation this year.
We are looking for mentors and students that would like to participate. Additional information is available on our Summer of Code 2018 wiki page; if you are able to mentor please contact the Debian Outreach Team via mailing list to join as a mentor.
새 IRC 채널 #debian-til
There is a new IRC channel #debian-til for sharing things that you recently learned about Debian.
Quoting the topic of the channel: Share something that you've learned today
(or whenever) prefixed by "TIL" (yes, even when YIL would be "correct").
Can be something technical, social or anything else somewhat relevant to Debian - Judgement-free
zone! Post anything, however "obvious"!
More info about the Debian IRC channels can be found in https://wiki.debian.org/IRC.
기타 개발자 뉴스
Paul Wise posted Misc Developer News #45. Highlights include debhelper compat 11, KGB now supporting GitLab webhooks (for salsa), the change of the mentors.debian.net FTP upload queue, a call to review your debtags today, and Purism hardware discounts for Debian Developers.
New and noteworthy packages
Among many other packages that were added to the unstable Debian archive in the last weeks, we can find:
- Gazebo 9 — new version of Gazebo, a multi-robot simulator for outdoor environments.
- Ganeti 2.16 — new version of Ganeti, a virtual server cluster management tool.
- R-cran-factominer — Multivariate Exploratory Data Analysis and Data Mining.
- Undertime — pick a meeting time using a table of world clocks.
이벤트: 다가오는 그리고 보고
다가오는 이벤트
Debian Bug Squashing Party in Tirana, Albania
There will be a Bug Squashing Party on 3 and 4 March 2018, held in Tirana, Albania, hosted by the Open Labs Hackerspace.
MiniDebConf Curitiba 2018
Members of the Debian community in Curitiba met at Positivo University to discuss organising a 2018 Curitiba MiniDebConf which will take place April 11 to 14 at the central campus of the Federal University of Technology - Paraná (UTFPR). Registration is free and there will be a crowdfunding campaign to help finance the event.
MiniDebConf Hamburg 2018
A miniDebConf will take place in Hamburg (Germany) from May 16 to 20, with three days of Debcamp style hacking, followed by two days of talks, workshops and more hacking. Read the announce and visit the wiki page of the event where you can get all the details, register for the event, and help in the organisation.
이벤트에서 데비안 존재
There'll be a Debian booth at the Chemnitzer Linux-Tage 2018
taking place in the Zentrales Hörsaal- und Seminar-Gebäude
of the
Technical University Chemnitz from Saturday 10 March to Sunday 11 March
2018. The first CLT was held in 1999 and Debian has taken part in the event since
2002. If anyone is interested in helping with the booth, please have a look
at the wiki page:
FOSSASIA Summit will take place in Singapore 22–25 March 2018; several Debian Developers and contributors will attend, and maybe organise a Debian booth. Please get in touch via the debian-events-apac mailing list for details and help or coordination.
DebConf18 in Hsinshu
The organisation of DebConf18 (Hsinshu, Taiwan, 29 July–5 August 2018) is going on. DebConf18 will be preceded by one week of DebCamp, Saturday, July 21 through Friday, July 27. The Call for Proposals was published on 7 February 2018. You can now sign into the website and submit an event, or write to the content team at content@debconf.org to suggest an invited speaker. Talk proposals must be submitted by Sunday 17 June 2018 at the latest. Registration will open soon and you can subscribe to debconf-announce to be notified when registration opens. Bursary applications will be available together with registration and must be submitted by 13 April. As of now, eleven companies or organisations have decided to support the event, and DebConf18 is still accepting sponsors; visit its website for more details.
DebConf19 in Curitiba
DebConf19 will be hosted in Curitiba, Brazil. See the Debian Curitiba bid for details.
Event Reports
MiniDebConf Toulouse 2017
A miniDebConf took place in Toulouse, France, on 18–19 November 2017 organised by Debian France Association together with the Capitole du libre, the help of the Toulibre association, and the support of Evolix. The event was a real success with more than twenty-five attendees at each session. Details of the event are on the wiki page.
MiniDebConf Cambridge 2017
Another miniDebConf took place in Cambridge, UK, on 23–26 November 2017. Details of the event, schedule, and photos are on their wiki page. There were live video streams, and the recordings are already available.
이벤트에서 데비안 존재
There was a Debian presence at the XIV Goiano Free Software Forum (FGSL) in Goiânia (Brazil) last November (talks and booth), at LinuxDay in Dornbirn (Austria) last December (Debian booth), at Campus Party Brasil 2018 in São Paulo (Brazil) and at FOSDEM 2018 in Brussels (Belgium) in February (Debian booth).
LTS Freexian 월간 보고
Freexian issues monthly reports about the work of paid contributors to Debian Long Term Support.
Reproducible Builds status update
Follow the reproducible
builds blog to get the weekly reports on their work in the Stretch
도움 필요
도움 필요한 패키지:
Currently 1262 packages are orphaned and 164 packages are up for adoption: please visit the complete list of packages which need your help.
새로운 버그
Debian has a newcomer
bug tag, used to indicate bugs which are suitable for new
contributors to use as an entry point to working on specific packages.
There are 226
bugs available tagged newcomer
More than just code
941 people and 16 teams are listed on the Debian Contributors page for 2018.
On the Debian-user mailing list, Debian user Jason asked how to create a PDF-Printer from the command line. A large discussion covered many questions asking: Is (La)TeX text or not, what exactly is a mimetype, why not a2ps or lp, and file bloat for PDF creation. There are lots of tips and tricks throughout the thread for those wondering about the same question.
Debian user Richard Hector asked about the policy
on the wontfix
bug tag used by maintainers.
The thread covered many topics and discussions about the actual output from the
date command, interactive shells, the question of what day is it
, the fuzzy grammar of the date string, parsers, mail LDOSUBSCRIBER, and the formail
component of procmail. A very interesting read!
옛날옛적 데비안:
- 2014-02-28 MiniDebConf in Phnom Penh, Cambodia 2014
- 2012-03-01 Derivatives patches service available
- 2007-03-05 All Debian package installation prompts translated into French
- 2008-03-08 Debian Bug #470000 reported by madcoder@debian.org
- 1999-03-09 Debian GNU/Linux 2.1 'Slink' released
Quick Links from Debian Social Media
This is an extract from the micronews.debian.org feed, in which we have removed the topics already commented on in this DPN issue. You can skip this section if you already follow micronews.debian.org or the @debian profile in a social network (Pump.io, GNU Social, Mastodon or Twitter). The items are given unformatted, and in descending order by date (recent news at the top).
- Debian won Linux Journal's Readers' Choice Award for Best Linux Distribution!https://bits.debian.org/2018/02/debian-linuxjournal-readers-choice-award.html
- Debian loves Free Software, today and every day! Show your love https://fsfe.org/campaigns/ilovefs/ #ILoveFS
- Vote for Debian in the Linux Journal's "Best Linux Distribution" of 2018!http://www.linuxjournal.com/content/best-linux-distribution-2018
- How were the Debian activities at #CPBR11 in São Paulo http://debianbrasil.org.br/blog/how-were-the-debian-activities-at-cpbr11-in-sao-paulo
- Meet @Debian at @fosdem next week. We will be at building K level 1. https://wiki.debian.org/DebianEvents/be/2018/FOSDEM
- Spectre & Meltdown vulnerability/mitigation checker available in stretch-backports https://packages.debian.org/stretch-backports/spectre-meltdown-checker
- 2017 Freedombox progress report: https://lists.alioth.debian.org/pipermail/freedombox-discuss/2018-January/008242.html
- Videos of the recent MiniDebConf Cambridge are available, thanks DebConf Video Team! See details and links at https://wiki.debian.org/DebianEvents/gb/2017/MiniDebConfCambridge
- There will be a Debian booth at LinuxDay at Dornbirn (Austria) next Dec 2nd https://www.linuxday.at
- This weekend is MiniDebConf Cambridge 2017! Get the info about schedule and live streaming at https://wiki.debian.org/DebianEvents/gb/2017/MiniDebConfCambridge
- How were the Debian activities at FGSL 2017 in Goiânia http://debianbrasil.org.br/blog/how-were-the-debian-activities-at-fgsl-2017-in-goiania
DPN을 계속 읽으려면?
Please help us create this newsletter. We still need more volunteer writers to watch the Debian community and report about what is going on. Please see the contributing page to find out how to help. We're looking forward to receiving your mail at debian-publicity@lists.debian.org.
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Back issues of this newsletter are available.
This issue of Debian Project News was edited by The Publicity Team with contributions from Thomas Lange, Paulo Henrique de Lima Santana and and Jean-Pierre Giraud..