
TranslatedUp to dateOutdatedNot translated
355 files (97.5%)355 files (100.0%)0 files (0.0%)9 files (2.5%)
1774664 bytes (100.0%)1774664 bytes (100.0%)0 bytes (0.0%)0 bytes (0.0%)

Note: the lists of pages are sorted by popularity. Hover over the page name to see the number of hits.

General pages not translated

devel/extract_key  ()0(0.00 ‰)
events/admin  ()0(0.00 ‰)
intro/license_disc  ()0(0.00 ‰)
blends/gis/support  ()0(0.00 ‰)
ports/netbsd/alpha  ()0(0.00 ‰)
ports/netbsd/index  ()0(0.00 ‰)
ports/netbsd/news  ()0(0.00 ‰)
devel/debian-med/News/index  ()0(0.00 ‰)
ports/netbsd/people  ()0(0.00 ‰)

Translated pages (up-to-date)

Created with webwml-stattrans